So simple but effective.
I’m sure you have all seen vases and jars filled with twigs and lights in magazine and homes at this time of year, and it is a decoration that has been around for years. I have never given it a go though, so I thought I would share with you my first one.
It really is so simple. I collected some of the lovely thin branches from the garden and sprayed them sliver (and quite a lot of the grass, so be careful of that bit) and then popped them into a tall vase which I had decorated with ribbon. I then hung some of my new 2012 decorations on it. I already had some pussy willow which I added to the mix but If you don’t have anything to mix in, the branches look lovely on there own.
This would be a really nice decoration to let the kids to (if they are young you can leave out the spray paint bit) and they can have there own mini tree in there bed room or play room.
Photo by The Guide to Surrey