
The word for 2015

22nd Jan 2015

Ellie Kelly

I haven’t set any new year’s resolutions this year.

To be honest I never do. I always take stock of the business and make some plans for the year head. What I want to change, what I like, what would make me more money, give me more time and make me smile more. Not much hay.

I did feel l needed to consciously make some type of commitment to myself though. I tend to work 7 day weeks and get so caught up in the day to of things that when I do pop my head out into the world three months have whizzed by and I haven’t seen enough of my friends, been out to dinner with Mark enough, tried new things, done any of the craft projects I wanted to …. I could go on.

I have been inspired by some lovely ladies and their own blogs on this subject, Katy Hill & Emily Quinton and decided that this year I will try my very best to live by a word.



I don’t want to drift though the days getting caught up in the day to day of work

I don’t want to veg in front of the T.V each night and wonder where the week has gone

I don’t want to keep saying to friends *it’s been ages!

And I don’t want to feel like I don’t have control of my life’s direction


This year I will Focus. I will Focus on the direction of my business, focus on the elements that are really going to push it to where It should be.

I will focus on time with my husband and doing things rather than veging

I will focus on making my house more of a home and doing all the craft projects that have been on my to do list for ages

I will focus on my time and plan it well including time with friends and family

I will Focus on making memories this year



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