
The Monday after the parties before

21st May 2012

Monday, hello everyone.


Monday Morning

Made me smile

From pintrest

I am usually knackered on Monday morning after a full weekend of parties, I just want to lie in bed and sleep but I only feel bad afterwards so up I get. I worked from home on a part time basis from December and then left my events manger job on April 5th and have now been working from home for 6 weeks. I am pretty self-motivated so I never put the TV on and normally end up eating lunch at my desk catching up on reading inspirational blogs (heaven!).

On Monday morning I do find I need a little help though so I tend to lie in bed and look at my Twitter feed at around 7.30am. It’s when I see lists of fellow Tweeters that have been up for an hour already that gives me the kick I need to get out from under the warm duvet.

So I wanted to let you know how my parties went on the weekend.

If you remember from my last blog on Friday I was in Chalfont St Giles for Aidan’s 3rd birthday party. He was asleep when I arrived but mum woke him before the children descended and we had some time to have a chat. He was still a bit sleepy and a tad unsure about me when he first came downstairs (who was this random lady in his house?!) but, with the help of years of working with kids, we were jumping around popping the bubbles in no time. Once all 12 of his friends had arrived we played some fab party games and the children each won a sticker and little sweet for their groovy dancing and fast feet.

A yummy spread pre-laid by the party parents followed and I made each child a balloon model before we sung ‘Happy Birthday’. I finished up the party by painting all the children faces and we ended with the ‘Hokey Cokey. It was a lovely party at the family home and I received some great feedback on Saturday morning which was so nice to wake up to.

“Thankyou so much, you were absolutely amazing with the kids.

Even better, I looked back at the video recording of the party and all the mums

were smiling and happy too! Looking forward to the next party with you!

Best wishes, Annelize”


On Saturday I was at Frensham Heights Performing Art Centre to entertain the children who parents were attending a Diabetes Discovery day hosted by the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF). They were a great group of kids from around 3 – 12 years old and we played games, I showed them how to make balloons models and turned them in to lions, fairys and dogs with face paint. Lots of mums said it was so nice of the JDRF to put on something too ccupy the children so that they could listen to all the talks and, as it’s such a great cause, I was delighted to be the one they booked!

I then jumped in the car and headed off to Highclere near Newbury. After a quick sarni I set up ready for Josie & Aimee’s 4th birthday party. The girls had both turned 4 in the last week and their mums told me they had been super excited all week. When their 30 or so friends had all arrived we kicked off the party and had tons of fun! 25 is my maximum usually as this is the most I can face paint in the time I have. I think we had around 32 children on Saturday afternoon so I had to be super fast and with some great management from the birthday mums I finished all but two children before the ‘Hokey Cokey’  – painting their faces after the dancing had finished. I am surprised I haven’t done face painting and made balloons in my sleep sometimes!

Stevie (who is Stevie) had a party for Sophia’s 3rd birthday in Bracknell on Saturday as well and she had lots of fun. The children loved the magic and balloons and Stevie had lots of fun dancing.

Yesterday I was in Cobham for a fairy themed craft party for Minchae’s 5th birthday. I have entertained at a number of the parties for this group of children in the last 6 months so it was lovely to see all the past party mums and girls again. I set up a big craft table and each girl decorated her own fairy wings with colours, glitter starts, glitter glue and jewels. They looked amazing! I didn’t get time for photos which was a pain but I was very proud of all their creations and they all flew home with big smiles on their faces.

I also provided the balloons, tableware and chair covers for this party and booked the caterers who provided really cute fairy food boxes with shaped sandwiches and lovely fairy cakes to name but a few of the goodies. I was really pleased with everything and the parents have asked me back for next year already so I think they were as well.

And then finally last night I landed on the sofa and watched TV with Mr Kelly until my eyes just wouldn’t stay open for a second longer.




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