
Mickey Mouse Party

17th Aug 2012


I can not believe it’s Friday again!

I’m not to sure what happen to this week but It’s time for me to get ready for the weekends parties, I have three birthday parties (Fete, Mickey & Snow White) and one Olympic party for a charity this weekend.  I will tell you all about the charity event next week but today I wanted to tell you about the Micky Mouse party I have tomorrow afternoon in Ruislip for Oliver who is going to be 5!

Oliver’s mum is looking after the venue decorations for this party and I am supplying the entertainment, music & party bags. We of course have the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse theme tune and I’m looking forward to seeing the kids all do there Goofyest dancing.

When I’m theming games for a party I never play a game just because it fits the theme. I always stick to great games that I know the children will love and then adapt them. One we will be playing tomorrow is Plopping Pluto, this just like musical bumps but with out any children being out,it’s very boring being out. When the music is on the children have to dance around like Goofy and then when the music stops, they have to plop to the floor and sit like Pluto. The first person on the floor each time wins a prize (of course everyone is the fastest at some point in the game).

Below are some photos of the party bags I have put together for the children. They include a Mickey colouring in card & pencils, bubbles, sweets and of course Mickey Mouse ears.



Have a great weekend everyone, I have everything crossed for sun!


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