
Mermaid backdrop

25th Jun 2012


Hi everyone, I hope you’ve had a nice Monday.

My post is a bit late today as I have been battling with my email server. But I’m here now, with a bit of magic on in the background (how old am I!) as I really wanted to share with you the mermaid backdrop I have been working on for the last few weeks.

I was booked to style a mermaid birthday party some months ago and after doing some research on Pintrest I came across this dress. I feel like I should know who this celebrity is but I’m sorry to say I don’t have a clue.


Mermaid dress

Mermaid dress


From Pintrest

I wasn’t too sure why this dress had popped up in a search for mermaids but, when I looked at the layers of the dress, I could see the connection. I had been thinking about a backdrop for the food table and, like a slap with a wet fish, a design came to me.

So I went to our local fabric shop and picked out two turquoise rolls, one with a slight shine, one matt and also some muslin for the backing. I then drew and cut out my desired layer shape in card. Next I spent a few hours sat on my ever increasingly numb bum drawing around the shape on to both bits of fabric.

I cut out around 70 shapes in the end. I then pinned each one in place starting at the bottom and overlapping them. Once I was happy with the layout I started sewing each row into place. Oh how proud my sewing-savvy mum would be! Mind you she would probably ask why I didn’t use the lovely Singer I inherited from my Nan and do it in half the time. But sewing machines have always scared me a bit – when I was younger I was sure I would sew my fingers together somehow.


Mermaid backdrop

pinning in place


Once each piece was in place I attached some ribbon to the top to hang it with and added glitter to the edges of a select few for *sparkle*


Mermaid backfrop



Mermaid themed food table

Mermaid themed food table


Last two images by Kate Griffin

I was really happy with the end result, well worth the several thousand needle stabs I inflicted on my finger.

I will be adding more photos from the Mermaid party on Friday so do pop back.





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