
Like a Dyslexic #likeadyslexic

17th Jun 2015


I read a story this morning that made me smile.

Richard Branson tweeted a photo of  a letter her received from a 9 year old Honor Smith thanking him for the videos he posts on dyslexia. He then posted a second tweet with a picture of the letter he had written back. This is the video that he shared that was created by a 12 year old in girl in Australia.


I am dyslexic and remember very well the posters in my extra English classroom and the dyslexic centre that showed famous and successful people who were also dyslexic, I know it helped. Other successful people with dyslexia include Steve Jobs, Jamie Oliver, Theo Paphitis, Will smith and Lord Sugar.

I also remember going to be tested every so often and the gentleman that tested me always made me feel so clever, even though I got really rubbish scores in some elements (math and spelling) because I always got very high scores in other tests like problem solving.

It wasn’t easy or nice when I was at school to feel totally and utterly clueless in math class and to have a story I was pleased with be coved in red pen highlighting the mistakes but I went to a very understanding school with lots of support so I know others have it much worse.

From my university days to now I am glad to be dyslexic. I am very good at saying what I want with words I can spell, I’m quite good in an argument or debate (so my husband tells me), I can problem solve, I am creative and love to make things, It taught me to have thick skin, It taught me to try harder at the things I wasn’t great at but wanted to be (like reading) and to delegate the things I cant do well and have no interest in doing (like accounts).

You can see Richard Branson’s post about the video here and follow the conversation with #likeadyslexic on twitter



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