Next weekend I have a Lego themed party for a return client.
I cant wait!
I am providing the entertainment and dressing the party table, I decided a few weeks ago what I was going to do for both after a bit of research on Google, Pintrest and talking to the birthday mum about what she had in mind.
I thought I would share with you today some of the lovely images I found on Pintrest of other fab Lego parties and in a couple of weeks I will show you what we did.
Pic 1 & 2 from Joyously Domestic
Of course I’m going to make these plates, Love them!
Pic 1 from Wind Inspired
Pic 2 from Darling Darleen
Love these photo frame party gifts.
Pic 1 & 3 from Rindymae
Pic 2 from Farmish Momma
I can tell you pin the head on the Lego Man is going to one game we are going to play. I’m looking forward to making all the bits need for this fab party and sharing the end results with you.