I started Buttons Children’s Parties just over a year ago now, and in that year it has developed and grown. As well as children’s party entertainment I also offer a venue styling service, party bags, sweet tables and large event entertainment for kids. I love how creative my job is and that I can use all the skills I gained during my 4 year design degree, position teaching art, managing events and wedding planning.
I now have tons of amazing ways to make parties and events memorable but I never louse focus on the main aim, and the reason I started Buttons. To put big smiles on little people faces and to do everything I can to ensure every single child is entertained, having a great time and that parents are relaxed.
I’m blowing my own horn a bit, but I am pleased to say I do do this. I have spent years perfecting the party games that work and throwing out the ones that don’t. Yesterday I was talking to a mum who booked entertainment last year that she was disappointed in. She felt the children were more interested in paying with the balloons and that the entertainers did not have the kids attentions. It’s such a shame and must be quite a disappointment. So today I wanted to share some of my party games with you and tell you why they work so well. These games are part of my Fun & Games party for 4 – 6 year olds.
From Pintrest
Top tip – don’t play games where children end up out. Boring!
Musical Statues – I have some great fun music I use for musical based games and for this one I get the children to do something different each time I press play. It could be hopping, skipping, walking backwards or jumping. When the music stops they have to sand super still. Who ever is standing the stillest gets a sticker and no one is out for moving.
Pass the parcel – See this post for how I play pass the parcel.
Duck Duck Goose – Unless I have a small group (10 or less) I tell the children before we start that not all of them will get to run. I make a joke of it and say “we would be hear until next weekend we if we all had a go. But don’t worry because I’m looking for the best cheering children, so you need to cheer for your friends as they run around” If children know in advance they may not get a go they don’t mind. I also get the children who have been Goosey Lucy already to put there hands on their head, so they do not get picked twice and I stand next to the space the child needs to sit back in. They tend to run past it in all the excitement.
Musical Bumps – nice and easy, when the music is on the children dance. When it stops they need to sit down as fast as they can. The first person down gets a sweetie prize. When there are lots of kids I give out two/ three sweets each time until everyone has one. Again no one is out.
There are lots of elements that go into a Buttons party to ensure thats it is great fun for all but I hope these games give you an idea of what works for this age groups and why.
I have a busy few day with 6 parties so I’m off to make sure the party prize bag is full, the bubbles are ready, the balloons are present and correct (and I have lots of pink), the party music is loaded and the treasure chest is overflowing with gold.
Have a great weekend everyone x