This is a super easy toddler stocking filler and also gives your toddler a fun but calm craft to do later in the day or on boxing day.
You need:
- A little box or bag
- A selection of box decorating crafts such as crayons, stickers and gems. Don’t be tempted to use felt tips or glitter as there is enough to do on Christmas day without a mega craft tidy up as well.
- A empty box – the bigger the better!
I didn’t buy anything new for this. I used a little suitcase we already had and raided the craft draws to fill it with colouring pencils, stickers, gems and colourful pipe cleaners.
Most of us will have one or two boxes after all the gifts have been unwrapped and a little bit of time sat on the floor turning one of them in to a house, den, rocket, tank or elf workshop might be the quite time you all need.
If you only have small boxes then turn them in to houses or beds for thier toys. Neive loves putting all the toys to bed at the moment.
Ellie x